Gap Needs a New Logo

The visual design profession has long battled the undervaluing of its craft by companies seeking “work on spec” — meaning, “you designers make a design for me and I’ll pay for the one I like.”  Given that no other industry operates this way, designers are right to be boycotting such attempts to extract free work.

Recently, the GAP clothing company introduced a new logo design. Customers promptly disliked it, and in an attempt to mollify them, GAP offered an invite to designers to “crowd-source” an alternative logo.

Some prominent designers rebelled. MULE design posted a great response.

And that time and effort was used to make sure I delivered something that actually met your needs and objectives. You guys have numbers to meet. (I imagine at least a 10% increase to last year’s $14.5B in revenue, and $967M in net income.) And plans for the future based on meeting those numbers. So do I.

And for the sake of full disclosure I should let you know that I’ve also frequently shopped at your stores. You sell good stuff. But never in my experience has any of your employees offered me a free pair of pants because the ones I was wearing looked bad. I wouldn’t expect them to. Their job is to sell me clothes.

My job is to sell design.

I believe we understand each other. I anxiously await your call and look forward to negotiating a fair value for the greatest logo on Earth.

Brilliant. Read more of the backstory.

And as a final update, GAP has returned to its original logo. Power of the crowds, indeed.

Being bad to your customers is bad for SEO

Being bad to your customers is bad for SEO

Were you following the saga of the latest SEO-hacking creep? Google has announced it changed its algorithms to detect bad actors.

However, Search Engine Land explains how this man did not really benefit from link equity from bad reviews… it was through several SEO tricks. Two different stories going on.

You can study how a site obtained its google ranking via Yahoo! Site Explorer.

By the way, the seller did get arrested. Justice to be served, finally, thanks to media exposure.